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MACA Chess Horizons Magazine Article
 Grant X. Marks the Spot - Mass Open Bonanza Redux!
 Grant Xu
  August 2014

Welcome to NM Grant Xu’s roundup of local games and the critical decisions and plans which define them. Once again, Grant will be focusing on a slew of exciting games from MACA’s flagship tournament, the 83rd Massachusetts Open.

Thomas Keegan 1870 - James Todhunter 1841 1-0
83rd Mass Open (3)
Caro-Kann - Exchange [B13]

Chris Williams 2274 - Parker Montgomery 1983 1-0
83rd Mass Open (1)
Ruy Lopez, Worrall Attack [C86]

Gavin Randolph 1328 - Alon Trogan 1423 0-1
83rd Mass Open (3)
Pirc, Classical [B08]

IM Igor Foygel 2524 - Christopher Chase 2390 0-1
83rd Mass Open (6)
Robatsch [B06]

Alex Yu 1753 - Suraj Ramanathan 1743 0-1
83rd Mass Open (4)
King’s Indian Defence, Orthodox [E99]

BONUS! Unpublished 2013 Game!

GM Alexander Ivanov 2641 - IM James Rizzitano 2426 1-0
82nd Mass Open (4)
French Defence [C00]